Merrimack Valley YMCA Andover to offer Supportive Living, Inc. Neuro-Fit Classes in September
The Merrimack Valley YMCA, Andover, in partnership with Supportive Living, Inc. will offer SLI’s Neuro-Fit Assisted Exercise program beginning in September for adults with brain injury and those with age-related neurologic disorders such as Parkinson’s or early dementia. Classes include one-on-one exercise coaching with a student intern practicing social distancing and appropriate PPE, supervised by a Certified Group Fitness Instructor (CGFI) and Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS).
The MVYMCA officially opened on July 13, 2020. The staff team worked hard to assure a reopening that provides for the health and safety of members. The Y continues to work with state and local officials to ensure we have the proper protocols and procedures in place to keep everyone as safe as possible.
The Neuro-Fit Assisted Exercise program is a cornerstone of SLI’s approach to neuro-wellness. Cardio workouts and strength building exercises benefit brain injury survivors in many ways – even beyond the positive effects of increased motion, strength, and stamina. A stronger body leads to many additional cognitive benefits, from boosted confidence, developing self-efficacy, and an increased sense of accomplishment. Participants don’t just exercise, they socialize too. Class attendees converse, develop group comradery, avoid isolation, and most of all – have fun!
Classes start September 24th with classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm.
All programs are open to brain injury survivors and a sliding fee scale is available to those of limited means. Interested participants should visit the Supportive Living web site or contact us at 781-274-8711.