SLI Neuro-Wellness programs are a comprehensive and holistic approach to meet the unique needs of people living with chronic brain injury. Neuro-Wellness programs approach the brain and body as integrated and inseparable, and offer complementing physical, cognitive and social fitness programs to improve abilities impacted by the injury.

For individuals living with brain injury the recovery process is life-long. SLI Neuro-Wellness programs involve the ongoing management of associated conditions as well as strategies to minimize chronic and secondary concerns.

The benefits of Neuro-Wellness programs are varied, yet include improvement in many of these areas:

Cardiovascular Strength Balance
Flexibility Weight Blood pressure
Sleep Memory Communication
Socialization Self-esteem Sense of purpose

Neuro Wellness programs are open to all brain injury survivors and available at the SLI Neuro-Wellness Center in Lexington, MA, and other Supportive Living residential communities and partner sites in Woburn, North Reading and Rockport.

To learn more about SLI Neuro-Wellness programs,, please fill out and submit the form below.

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