Frequently Asked Questions For Clinicians


What are the services provided and what is the fee structure?

There are two service models at Neuro-Fit:

Neuro-Focused Personal Training

This model is facilitated by Neuro-Fit staff who are certified recreational exercise professionals with a specialization in a neuro population (personal trainers, exercise physiologists, etc.)

Private sessions are suitable for individuals looking for more challenging or higher intensity exercise with professional guidance. This is a great option for someone who is transitioning from rehab services to a recreational setting. Our staff can help establish a consistent and well-rounded exercise routine.

Rates: $75 for 45-minute sessions, $100 for 60-minute sessions.

Schedule: Sessions can be booked 1-3x/week and can be modified based on the individual’s needs and our staff’s availability.

Intern-Assisted Exercise Class

In this model, the individual will be evaluated by a staff member and then paired with a student intern who will help them through a routine with staff supervision.

The interns are generally studying exercise science or health science and looking to go into the rehabilitation field.

Rates: $25/class

Schedule: 1-3x/week and is set on a seasonal schedule that aligns with the academic semester of the interns.

Each individual will choose a model that works best or a combination of the two. For example, some program participants will attend a few private sessions a month while maintaining a schedule with an intern 1-3x/week.

Do you have specific criteria for participation in Neuro-Fit?

We accept individuals with all levels of cognitive and physical ability. We work with three different groups of people:

    1. Individuals who are living with various forms of acquired brain injury including stroke, TBI, anoxic/hypoxic injury, tumors, and more.
    2. Individuals who have been diagnosed with a neurological condition like Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and more.
    3. Individuals 65 and older who are looking to exercise more frequently to combat physical and cognitive decline due to aging.
How do I explain the program to my patients?

Neuro-Fit is a recreational exercise program. This means that it can be used to complement clinical services or to fill in gaps or breaks from clinical services, such as physical or occupational therapy. Some individuals may not feel comfortable or have the resources to exercise independently. Neuro-Fit provides hands-on assistance to ensure a safe and accessible environment for all. Participating in Neuro-Fit will allow the individual to establish a long-term and consistent exercise routine.

Where are you located?

We host classes at our Neuro-Wellness Center in Lexington, as well as the YMCAs in Andover, Beverly, and Marblehead.

How do I refer my patient to Neuro-Fit?

Prospective patients can reach out to us directly or be referred from a partnering clinician. The patient will fill out registration paperwork including medical clearance. The medical clearance form will be completed by a primary care or neurologist attesting that it is safe for the individual to participate in a recreational exercise setting. If an individual is currently in rehabilitation services, we generally recommend that the therapist fills out a form as well to get a well-rounded picture of the individual’s health status. To expedite the process, a medical clearance form can be faxed to us or sent via secure email messaging along with the patient’s contact information. We can then reach out and complete the remaining registration items. Once the paperwork is completed, they will be scheduled for an evaluation with Neuro-Fit staff before beginning the program.

If you are referring a patient to the Lexington or Andover sites, please contact Lindsay Weir at 339-227-0295 or

If you are referring a patient to the Marblehead or Beverly sites, please contact Meredith MacDonald at 339-227-7913 or

How do you evaluate prospective participants?

Our staff will talk more with the individual and (if applicable) their caregivers/loved ones. We will learn about their daily routine and decide how Neuro-Fit can complement their lifestyle. We complete various measures depending on the individual, including but not limited to grip strength, 30 second sit-to-stand, Timed Up & Go, and more. These measures help to determine their functional status and areas of focus.

Does the caregiver or loved one need to be present for the one-hour exercise session?

The caregiver or loved one should remain present if the individual needs assistance with personal hygiene such as using the restroom. If the individual does not need assistance, the caregiver does not need to be present.

What type of equipment do you have?

We have various cardio options including a recumbent bike, NuStep, and low-speed treadmills with harness systems. We also have adaptive equipment that allows us to accommodate all levels of strength including adjustable cable machines, dumbbells, and barbells.

Do you accept insurance or accommodate individuals with limited income?

We do not accept medical insurance, but we do offer financial assistance for the intern-assisted classes. This is determined on a case-by-case basis. We also provide services under some brain injury waiver programs for those who qualify.

What is my involvement as the clinician once the patient begins participating at Neuro-Fit?

Our model works best when Neuro-Fit staff can stay in contact with clinicians after the initial referral. Depending on the patient, we will establish a line of communication that is most appropriate. For example, if we are seeing the patient at the same time, we may be in touch more frequently regarding important changes in their medical or functional status.